Life in Baguio City, Benguet

Baguio City has on average 4 persons per household which is lower than the national average (4.6)
  • 315,800 Population
  • 154,143 Male
  • 161,657 Female
  • 99% Literacy

Inside Scoop on Baguio City
written by local expert:

Esmeralda David
Esmeralda David

Selling and appraising of lots, houses and lots, condominiums and property management in Camp John Hay, Baguio City.

Why invest in Baguio City, Benguet

Baguio City has over 152 accommodation establishments as per data gathered from the city’s tourism office in the year 2016. These types of accommodation are hotels, resorts, apartment hotel/apartel, pension houses, tourist inns and others. As per data gathered from Baguio City’s Tourism and Special Events Division Office, tourist arrivals in 2014 is 930,971, 1,115,264 in 2015 and 1,294,906 in 2016. It showed that tourist arrivals increased with an average of 15.37% growth for the past three years. Average occupancy rate for accommodation establishments for the year 2014 is 35.75%, 36% in 2015, and 43.38% in 2016 with an average of 38.38& growth for the past 3 years. The above occupancy rates signify that Baguio City prevails to be one of the healthiest environment within the Cordillera Administrative Region for accommodation establishments. The consensus of real estate lessors in the city is that this trend will continue into the next several years, thus driving up demand for accommodation space. Recent room occupancy rate at the DL Divine Inn have averaged 37.55%, still far from the owner’s occupancy rate objective of 50%. Other comparable properties in the area are ______% to ____% occupancy rate. Average asking accommodation rate in the city is P1,500.00 for the standard rooms good for 2 persons with an average room area of 8.00 square meters with own toilet and bath for inns, apartment hotels, pension and transient houses. Forecasts indicate rate will remain flat as lessors will compete for efficient, well located accommodation space.

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Rent Values
country Philippines
country Benguet
country Baguio City
Local Workforce


Baguio City
Household Facilities
Percentage of Households with Technology (%)
country Philippines
country Benguet
country Baguio City


Baguio City
Property Aquisition Drilldown
Households by Occupancy Type:
Owners Aquisition Method
Finance Used to Purchase
The raw data collected to display this information was taken from the 2010 Philippines census data.

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